SASP 2022 Early Career Award

The SASP 2022 Early Career award will be awarded to an emerging scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of social psychology in Australasia. To be eligible for this award, nominees should: Be a member of SASP Have completed their PhD less than 5 years ago (adjusted for career interruptions) Candidates can […]

Postgraduate Workshops

Postgraduate workshops have long been a feature of SASP conferences. Being part of the conference they not only symbolise a special invitation to post-graduate students at various stages of their PhD to come and join the meeting, but they also reflect the philosophy that the nurture and support of our young talents is key to […]

SASP Outstanding Postgraduate Research Award

The Outstanding Postgraduate Research Award (OPRA) highlights outstanding student research conducted by postgraduate student members of SASP. This year, up to three awards will be given out: one First Place award ($500) and up to two Runner-Up awards ($250 each). The OPRA selection panel will select up to six student finalists to present their research […]

SASP 2011 – News from the President

Members of SASP   First let me apologize for my lack of contact since the meeting in Fremantle – what with spinal surgery, a new job, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake and a seriously ill father in the UK, the rest of 2010 went by in a bit of a blur (and not entirely morphine induced). […]