
Perceptions of Pressure to Volunteer in an Employee Volunteering Program May Undermine Future Intentions Stukas, A. (La Trobe University), Young, S. (La Trobe University), Nagpal, S., (La Trobe University) Employee volunteerism programs (EVPs) allow companies to demonstrate corporate social responsibility (Grant, 2012). EVPs typically enjoy high employee support. However, if companies pressure employees to volunteer, […]


Exploring Explicit and Implicit Attitudes towards Gay Men using the Dark Tetrad and the Dual Process Model of Prejudice Moor, L. (Australian Catholic University), Anderson, J. (Australian Catholic University & Australian Research Centre for Sex, Health, and Society [ARCSHS], La Trobe University), Kapelles, T. (Australian Catholic University), Koc, Y. (University of Groningen) Attitudes towards gay […]


The Roles of Gender, Gender Role Norm Beliefs, and Experimental E-Contact in Reducing Transgender Prejudice Boccanfuso, E. (University of Sydney), White, F. (University of Sydney) Transgender people experience significant discrimination marked by higher rates of harassment, violence, mental health problems, and suicide, compared to the cisgender population. To attempt to reduce this prejudice, the current […]


“The Revolution Will Be Feminist, or It Will Be Nothing”: Masculinity Threat and Motivation to Engage in Protest in the Context of Recent Social Movement in Chile Wlodarczyk, A. (Universidad Católica del Norte), Kosakowska-Berezecka, N. (University of Gdansk) Several recent studies have documented that the precarious nature of masculinity and compensatory behaviours resulting from threats […]