Abstract Submissions 2017

General guidelines To allow us to receive your abstract in the most efficient way possible, we request that you follow these guidelines when submitting an abstract for an individual oral presentation, a snapshot presentation, or a set of abstracts for a symposium. Delegates may only be the first presenting author on one presentation (individual oral […]

Register for SASP Conference

If you are not a member of SASP, you are welcome to join before registering to take advantage of the reduced conference rates. Please see the information at the end of this page.   (A) I have an account on the SASP website already: (Yes if you are a member or have attended a conference […]

Postgraduate Travel Award

The Margaret Foddy Postgraduate Travel Awards provide financial assistance to postgraduates who wish to attend future SASP conferences.   In 2017, SASP is pleased to offer five $300 awards to postgraduate students to assist with their travel costs. To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria: Paid membership in SASP; Studying in Australia or […]