Instructions for Presenters and Chairs

Dedicated Poster Sessions: Poster Display plus Short Oral Presentations Posters are an exciting way to disseminate research because their format facilitates comfortable interactions between presenters and conference delegates. The information included in this document will assist you in preparing your poster for the upcoming SASP-SPSSI Group Meeting on intergroup contact. Additional information will be provided […]

Restaurants and Cafes in Newcastle

There are many restaurants and cafes in the East End of Newcastle, where the conference hotel is located. • Bocados Spanish Kitchen: 25 King Street – A tasty selection of seasonal South American, Mediterranean, and Spanish tapas. $$-$$$ • Sticky Rice: 19 Scott St – Cheap and cheerful Thai food, with generous takeaway portions. Licensed & […]

Organising Committees and Contacts

We look forward to seeing you in Newcastle! The scientific committee. Stefania Paolini (the University of Newcastle, Australia) Miles Hewstone (the University of Newcastle, Australia; Oxford University, UK) Fiona White (University of Sydney, Australia) Fiona Barlow (The University of Queensland, Australia) Linda Tropp (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA) Liz Page-Gould (University of Toronto, Canada) Rhiannon […]

Instructions for Abstract Submission

We now invite abstract submissions for Poster presentations, Blitz presentations, Standard length presentations, and Long presentations (only one abstract per presenting author). A separate call for observers will be made close to the time. The deadline for abstract submission is January 27, 2019. To submit an abstract, please download and complete an Abstract Submission form here and email it […]