Video-Library of Conference Presentations

Video-Library of Conference Presentations A link to the entire video-library of conference presentations can be found here:   Links to individual sessions and talks are below: Seeking Contact and Predictors of Contact (Chair: Rhiannon Turner) – Talks Session 1 Emotions, Motivations, and Action in Contact (Chair: Fiona Barlow)  – Talks Session 2 Negative Contact […]

SASP Auckland Conference and COVID-19

Dear SASP member, I am writing to assure you that the SASP Executive is closely monitoring all developments concerning the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, and that there are currently no plans to postpone or cancel the 2020 SASP conference in Auckland. I have seen a draft of the program and it is full and exciting! Accordingly, […]


The final program for the SASP2019 Conference is now available. Full Program A PDF of the full program is available here. This program includes important information about the conference, the venue, and all additional events, as well as a list of all abstracts. Please note: you will not be provided with a printed copy of the […]

SASP 2019 Information for Presenters

Format Individual talks will run for a total of 20 minutes each (15 minute talk plus 5 minutes for questions). Datablitz talks will run for 5 minutes each, plus one question from the audience. One person in each session will be designated as a chairperson and will be in charge of keeping the session running […]