The purpose of these small grants is to support collaborative research between SASP postgraduate members from different universities. Funding will be made available for research that emerges from participation in the SASP summer school or for other collaborative research between SASP postgraduate students at different Australian/ New Zealand universities.
Eligibility and Criteria
- At least two of the applicants need to be SASP postgraduate members. This criteria does not apply (and only one applicant needs to be a SASP postgraduate member) when other applicants are SPSP, EASP, or AASP postgraduate members who took part in the SASP summer school.
- The research team needs to consist of postgraduate students at more than one university.
Up to 4 small grants in the amount of $500 max can be awarded per calendar year. The selection panel will consist of the SASP executive committee and they will judge the proposal on:
- Its scientific merit (e.g., is the research well designed and is it clear how the research contributes to the field?)
- Whether the research team can rely on the support and advice from a more senior academic. This person needs to be named in the proposal and can be either a SASP member or a former summer school teacher.
- Justification of the budget. Expenditure can include participant payment, equipment or other costs associated with conducting the research. Travel costs can not be part of the budget.
- The extent to which the research involves collaboration across universities.
- Financial need. Would it be easy for the applicants to obtain funding from elsewhere to conduct their research?
Application Procedure
Applicants should download and follow the instructions provided on this grant application document
Successful applicants are required to provide a brief report within three months of completion of the research.
The deadline for submissions is 14 June, 2019. Proposals should be submitted to the SASP secretary, Dr Michael Thai ().