
The Effects of Makeup on Self- and Other-Perceived Amount of Mental Capacity and Moral Status of Women Kellie, D. (UNSW Sydney), Blake, K. (UNSW Sydney), Brooks, R. (UNSW Sydney) Previous research finds women to be objectified more when sexualised by both men and women, in part due to the presence of a sexual double standard […]


Do Same-Sex Peers’ Attractiveness and Income Affect Socio-Political Attitudes? Psychological Responses to Mating Market Competition Luberti, F. (UNSW Sydney), Blake, K. (UNSW Sydney), Brooks. R. (UNSW Sydney) Socio-political attitudes, such as preferences for progressive or conservative social norms, markedly vary among individuals. Here we investigated the extent to which these attitudes are influenced by two […]


Gendered Fitness Interests: A Proposal Explaining How Family Composition Affect Socio-Political Attitudes and Behaviors Blake, K. R. (UNSW Sydney), Brooks, R. (UNSW Sydney) Whereas most people are biologically either male or female, their socio-political interests are almost never aligned with just their own sex. Here we adopt the evolutionary theory of ‘inclusive fitness’—whereby individuals gain […]


The Effect of Gay Couples’ Gender Role Conformity and Type of Family Formation (Adoption vs. Surrogacy) on Perceived Parental Competence and Psychosocial Development of Children Koc, Y. (University of Groningen), de Wolf, R. (University of Groningen) Despite the changes in laws legalising same-sex couples to adopt children, gay men still face challenges to become parents. […]