We have secured four potential pre-conference rooms from 9-5pm on Sunday the 23rd November for SASP 2024. These rooms range in size for a capacity of 50 to 100 and are suitable for talks and workshops depending on how you want to arrange the chairs.
Pre-conferences can run the full day or half day to allow for travel on the morning of the 23rd (which may be a popular option given the cost of accommodation, especially on the Saturday night). The rooms are free so the only costs involved would be if you decided to provide lunch/snacks/coffee etc for attendees.
If you are interested in hosting a pre-conference, please send a brief one pager to Michelle Ryan () outlining the broad topic, the aim of the pre-conference, approximate number of attendees, and the the organisers.
Thanks so much,
Michelle Ryan, Charlie Crimston, and the 2024 SASP Organising Committee
For further details about SASP 2024, check out the SASP 2024 webpage.
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