Postdoc Opportunity – University of Melbourne

Please go to the website for further information:



Please go to the website for further information: 

Here is  a brief description:


Job no: 0033848

Work type: Fixed Term

Location: Parkville

Department of Management and Marketing

Faculty of Business and Economics


Salary: $62,973 – $85,452 p.a. plus 9.5% superannuation  


We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to work on a project funded by an ARC Industrial Transformation Research Program (ITRP) Grant.


As the post-doctoral researcher your primary focus will be on undertaking research to develop a better understanding of the drivers of gift giving behaviours, brand development as well as the effects of country of origin and utopia on consumption. You will be principally responsible for coordination and execution of community-based research mainly involving population surveys, but also interview and experimental work. The tasks you will be required to undertake include coordination of multiple research projects, research design, survey construction, sophisticated statistical data analysis potentially including measurement construction, social network analysis, as well as manuscript preparation.

You will be working with a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team of researchers from the University of Melbourne (Angela Paladino, Department of Management and Marketing; Yoshi Kashima, School of Psychological Sciences) and Mondelez International.


To be successful in this role you will hold a PhD (awarded or nearly completed with an expectation that the PhD would be awarded within the first six months of employment or thesis submitted for examination) in the field of consumer psychology or a cognate discipline with an emphasis on behavioural prediction and social decision making. You will also possess demonstrated expertise in conducting survey research and preparing human experimentation ethics submissions, and demonstrated expertise handling large-scale data sets and conducting high level statistical data analyses.


Close date:   14 September 2014