Research Fellow – La Trobe University.

Multiple 3-year Research Fellow positions in reducing gender-based violence are currently advertised by the Reducing Gender-Based Violence Research (ReGEN) group and the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University. Research Fellow, Reducing Gender-based Violence Job in Bundoora, Melbourne VIC – SEEK The Research Fellow will conduct research, evaluation, and […]

Postdoctoral positions at ANU

Please see below details of some exciting postdoctoral positions currently being advertised at ANU.  The first role (Level A, 3 years) is to work on an ARC Discovery Project called “Thwarted Identity: The missing link between prejudice and psychopathology” (in collab with Michael Platow, Cath Haslam and Alex Haslam). Broadly speaking, this project will re-examine the link […]

Post-doctoral positions at ANU and New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)

Post-Doctoral Fellow Position at ANU This position will work under the direction of Dr Emily Corner for an Office of National Intelligence funded grant entitled “Beyond Taxonomy: A Process Driven Investigation of Radicalisation”. The project aims to significantly deepen understanding of the phenomenon of radicalisation toward violent extremism by moving beyond static descriptions of what […]