Interest in November small group SASP-SPSSI meeting in Bangkok

The International Institute of Peace and Development Studies (IIPDS) Bangkok under Asian Resource Foundation Bangkok is willing to hold a 2-day SASP-SPSSI Small Group Meeting in collaboration with SASP and SPSSI on the ‘Significance of Social Psychology and Personality Psychology in Peace Building through Conflict Transformation’, as a satellite event to the SASP annual conference to be held in […]

Seeking co-organisers for SASP-SPSSI small group meeting in Bangkok this November

The International Institute of Peace and Development Studies (IIPDS) Bangkok under Asian Resource Foundation Bangkok is willing to hold a 2-day SASP-SPSSI Small Group Meeting in collaboration with SASP and SPSSI on the ‘Significance of Social Psychology and Personality Psychology in Peace Building through Conflict Transformation’, as a satellite event to the SASP annual conference to be held in […]

Call for special issue – Authorities’ role in the(de-)escalation of political conflicts

Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology is calling for papers for their special issue, Authorities’ role in the (de-)escalation of political conflicts. Authors interested in submitting a manuscript to the special issue should submit an abstract for consideration by the 1st of June, 2024.  The special issue is to be edited by Patricio Saavedra (Universidad de O’Higgins), […]

Postdoctoral positions at ANU

Please see below details of some exciting postdoctoral positions currently being advertised at ANU.  The first role (Level A, 3 years) is to work on an ARC Discovery Project called “Thwarted Identity: The missing link between prejudice and psychopathology” (in collab with Michael Platow, Cath Haslam and Alex Haslam). Broadly speaking, this project will re-examine the link […]