call for blog contributions: In-Mind magazine
Please see below for two calls for contributions to In-Mind magazine
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Please see below for two calls for contributions to In-Mind magazine
The Summer University of the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) will include a course on political psychology (13.07 – 24.07.2015). The course will cover a range of topics focused on the role of attitudes and ideologies in social interaction and is taught by some of the top scholars in this field. The course is organized […]
Professor Yoshi Kashima from the University of Melbourne has a position available for an enthusiastic student who wishes to pursue a project to understand and improve people’s engagement in low carbon living.
CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE 2015 AASP SPECIAL ISSUE IN JOURNAL OF PACIFIC RIM PSYCHOLOGY: “Social Psychology of Social Change in Asia: Action Research and Applied Studies” Special Issue Guest Editors: James H. Liu and Allan B.I. Bernardo