The psychology of “Planking”

SASP Member Professor Bill von Hippel speaks to the Brisbane Times about “planking”. (Via: School of Psychology, UQ:


 Office Bearers President: Katherine Reynolds Secretary: Peter Strelan Treasurer: Stefano Occhipinti Communication Officer: Mathew Marques Postgraduate Representative: Ayoub Bouguettaya Journals Officer: Craig McGarty Website Email List: To send a message to the SASP email list, please forward your message to Peter Strelan. News for the Website: To post an item of news to the website, please forward your news […]

Joining SASP

The benefits of joining SASP include: Reduced rates at SASP conferences A subscription to the SASP email list – be notified of events, jobs, and news for social psychologists Eligibility for SASP awards, including the Early Career and Postgraduate Awards Making connections with your professional peers through other networks that recognise SASP Eligibility to attend […]