SPSP Online Pre-conference: Call for submissions

You can now submit your poster/talk for our SPSP Online Pre-conference on “Advancing LGBTIQ+ Research Across the Globe“, which will take place on February 7, 2024. Given that international and minoritized scholars are underrepresented within science, we aim to increase the diverse representation across geographic locations, speakers, and attendees. We hope to see many of you there! A primary goal is to connect […]


Due to requests from people returning from overseas conferences, we are extending the deadline for abstract submissions for the SASP-ACPID 2023 conference until Monday, August 14th, 5 pm AEST. Please submit your individual papers, posters, and symposia abstracts at https://sasp-acpid.org/abstracts-and-registration.  We will also open the registration for the conference very soon! Kind regards, Eric Vanman, Stephanie […]