John C. Turner Commemoration

John C. Turner Commemoration Colloquium will be held at University House, ANU, April 22-24th, 2013.     The main aim is to bring together John’s PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, main colleagues with whom he published, and those who have been influenced directly by his ideas and have contributed to widening their impact in and outside the […]

call for papers: new journal

We are delighted to announce a new journal, Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest (  Contention is a new fully open access, peer-reviewed journal that promotes disciplinary cooperation and interdisciplinary integration while broadening the scope of academic work in the fields of social movements and protest. Contention is published by Punctum Books and is administered […]

Medium Size Meeting: ‘Intergroup conflict: The cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of communication.’

June 27-30 2013, near Utrecht, The Netherlands. This meeting brings together researchers who study the consequences of communication for intergroup relations. The meeting focuses on interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup communication. We are also interested in a range of consequences including cognitive, emotional, and behavioral. We invite submissions for oral presentations, but you may also indicate […]