
A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of Mindfulness on Anger and Aggression O’Dean, S. (UNSW Sydney), Summerell, E. (UNSW Sydney), Denson, T., (UNSW Sydney), Harmon-Jones, E. (UNSW Sydney) Mindfulness has been reviewed as a promising intervention for anger and aggression. This meta-analysis examined the relationship between mindfulness, anger and aggression variables in adult populations. Data […]


Back and Forth: An Investigation of Co-Adaptation During Social Exchange. Shaw, D. J. (Aston University), Czekóová, K. (Masaryk University), Salazar, M. (Masaryk University), Staněk, R. (Masaryk University), Špalek, J. (Masaryk University) Social interactions require mutual co-adaptation among individuals; to steer a social exchange towards a desired outcome, all interactants must adapt their own behaviour to […]


Evaluating Cognitive Broadening as a Tool for Anger Reduction Summerell, E. (UNSW Sydney), Harmon-Jones, C. (UNSW Sydney), Kelley, N. J., (Northwestern University), Peterson, C. K. (Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Health Care System), Krstanoska-Blazeska, K., (UNSW Sydney), Harmon-Jones, E., (UNSW Sydney) Both anger and aggression are associated with significant adverse consequences for both individuals and wider society. […]


Causes and Consequences of Gossipers’ Lies Peters, K. (University of Queensland), Fonseca, M. (University of Exeter) Within the body of cultural knowledge there are ample warnings about the dangers of attending to gossip. Such warnings are also present in the academic literature, where it is assumed that people will share inaccurate gossip. However, this assumption, […]