
Renegotiating Identity: Behavioural Decisions Under Circumstances of Incongruent or Ambiguous Information About Group Norms  Smyth, L. (Australian National University), Kim, J. I. (Australian National University), Dwyer, B. (Australian National University), Grafton, A. (Australian National University)  This paper reports on 3 studies (N = 253; 302 & 217) that examined participant responses to different patterns of information about group norms. Study 1 examined responses to patterns of conflicting and […]


The Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Identity Processes: A New Look at Integration in the Context of Student Binge Drinking  Willis, L. (Australian National University), Lee, E. (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Reynolds, K. (Australian National University), Klik, K. (Australian National University)  The current study proposes a possible extension to the theory of planned behavior with respect to further integration with the social identity approach. The study explores whether […]


Does Political Ideology Influence People’s Desire to Patronise Fair-Trade Products Despite Price Premiums?  Wong, R. M. M. (Nottingham University, Malaysia), Owuamalam, C. (Nottingham University, Malaysia)  The goal of the price premium on fair trade products is to address inequality in global trade, but such pricing can reduce product competitiveness. One solution might be to remove the price premiums: but this will defeat […]


Discussant  Louis, W. R. (University of Queensland)  In her role as discussant, Louis will reflect on the four talks in terms of key themes, insights and potential areas for future exploration, as well as invite and facilitate discussion with the symposium audience.  Twitter: @WLouisUQ