
Positive and Negative Intergroup Contact Increase as a Function of Increased Contact Opportunities, but So Does Outgroup Rejection Kotzur, P. F. (University of Osnabrück, Germany), Wagner, U. (University of Marburg, Germany) In this research, we investigated the dynamics of increased opportunities for contact with forced migrants, positive and negative contact experiences, and outgroup rejection with […]


How intergroup social connections shape immigrants’ psychological responses to social exclusion Marinucci, M. (University of Milan-Bicocca), Riva, P. (University of Milan-Bicocca) Social exclusion has detrimental effects on individuals’ psychological wellbeing. Williams (2009) assumed that people experiencing chronic exclusion would inescapably enter a stage of resignation, (i.e., depression, alienation, unworthiness, and helplessness). However, few studies have […]


Community-level diversity decreases authoritarianism by alleviating dangerous and competitive worldviews: A multilevel SEM of the Dual Process Model Osborne, D. (University of Auckland), Huang, Y. (University of Auckland), Sibley, C. G., (University of Auckland) Scholars have long-debated the impact that living in diverse communities has on intergroup relations. Factors that mediate the relationship between macro-level […]


Prosperous but Fearing to Fall:  The Wealth Paradox, Collective Angst and Opposition to Immigration Jetten, J. (University of Queensland), Mols, F. (University of Queensland), Steffens, N. (University of Queensland) Building on a growing evidence base that relative economic gratification may be associated with harsh attitudes and prejudice towards minorities such as immigrants, the question remains […]