IAI-IACCP 2025 Conference, Brisbane Australia Abstract submission

Dear all,

We are pleased to share a call for submissions to the first joint meeting of the International Academy of Intercultural Relations (IAIR) and the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) for symposia abstracts and papers for its 2025 conference, held from 28 June to 1 July 2025, hosted by the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Please see website for more information.

The conference seeks to address many diverse topics under the theme of “Bridging Intercultural Divides in a Digitally Connected World”. This theme highlights the importance of researchers and practitioners coming together across disciplines, traditions, and geographic regions to address issues of cultural diversity and intercultural relations in an increasing digitally connected, but also an increasingly divided world. A key objective of both IAIR and IACCP to build trust and connection among diverse peoples, and this theme highlights how such relationships (and the broader research areas) are challenged, but also enabled by changes in the global sociocultural and technological context.

We accept multidisciplinary submissions (e.g., psychology, education, business, health science, communication, social science, etc.) of research that falls into the broad conference topics.

Best Regards,

Andre and Jaimee

Co-Chair of IAIR-IACCP 2025 Conference
