Research Fellow in Psychology position at Flinders

Applications close on the 22nd September. 2024

A full time Research Fellow in Psychology postdoctoral position at Flinders to work with Emma Thomas, Winnifred Louis and colleagues from cognitive psychology (Ryan Balzan) and complexity science (Ben Ye, Simon Angus) on the links between cognitive/social antecedents, belief formation, and the development of reactionary, ideologically extreme groups. The project is funded by the National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants administered by the ARC for the ONI. The position is available for two years with the possibility of extension into a third year subject to funding.

Apply for this position via this link:–Kaurna-Country/Research-Fellow-in-Psychology_JR0000011562.

Please note that, due to the restrictions of the funder, only Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or New Zealand special visa holders are eligible to apply.

If you’d like to know more about the project or position feel free to reach out to Emma Thomas at .