The Journal of Social and Political Psychology has just finalized its first issue at In particular, note the first Special Thematic Section, on “Societal Change”, guest-edited by Colin Leach, Leda Blackwood, and Andrew Livingstone.
The Journal of Social and Political Psychology has just finalized its first issue at In particular, note the first Special Thematic Section, on “Societal Change”, guest-edited by Colin Leach, Leda Blackwood, and Andrew Livingstone.
We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to check out articles of interest. You can also register there if you would like to be notified of future publications.
Journal of Social and Political Psychology Vol 1, No 1 (2013) Table of Contents
Special Thematic Section on “Societal Change”
Regarding Societal Change (105-111)
Leda Blackwood, Andrew G. Livingstone, Colin Wayne Leach
Towards a ‘Science of Movement’: Identity, Authority and Influence in the Production of Social Stability and Social Change (112-131)
Stephen Reicher, S. Alexander Haslam
When Inequality Fails: Power, Group Dominance, and Societal Change (132-160)
Felicia Pratto, Andrew L. Stewart, Fouad Bou Zeineddine
From Correlation to Causation: The Cruciality of a Collectivity in the Context of Collective Action (161-187)
Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Natasha C. Anikina, Wim T. J. L. Pouw, Igor
Petrovic, Naomi Nederlof
Objectification, Self-Objectification, and Societal Change (188-215)
Eileen L. Zurbriggen
Increasing Intergroup Cooperation Toward Social Change by Restoring Advantaged and Disadvantaged Groups’ Positive Identities (216-238)
Nurit Shnabel, Johannes Ullrich
‘What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love and Understanding?’ Further Reflections on the Limits of Prejudice Reduction as a Model of Social Change
John Dixon, Kevin Durrheim, Philippa Kerr, Manuela Thomae
Dramatic Social Change: A Social Psychological Perspective (253-272)
Roxane de la Sablonnière, Laura French Bourgeois, Mariam Najih
Broadening the Scope of Societal Change Research: Psychological, Cultural, and Political Impacts of Development Aid (273-292)
Nina Hansen, Tom Postmes
“I Have a Dream”: A Typology of Social Change Goals (293-320)
Joseph Sweetman, Colin Wayne Leach, Russell Spears, Felicia Pratto, Rim
The Role of the Media in the Construction of Public Belief and Social Change
Catherine Happer, Greg Philo
A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Ideology: Cognitive-Affective Structures and the Dynamics of Belief Systems (337-363)
Thomas Homer-Dixon, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Matto Mildenberger, Manjana
Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Stephen Quilley, Tobias Schröder, Paul Thagard
Insights from Societal Psychology: The Contextual Politics of Change
Caroline Howarth, Catherine Campbell, Flora Cornish, Bradley Franks, Lucia
Garcia-Lorenzo, Alex Gillespie, Ilka Gleibs, Isabelle
Gonvales-Portelinha, Sandra Jovchelovitch, Saadi Lahlou, Jenevieve
Mannell, Tom Reader, Chris Tennant
(The Need for) A Model of Translational Mind Science Justice Research
Phillip Atiba Goff, Avital Mentovich, Karin D. Martin
From the Editors
Welcome to a New International Open-Access Journal in Social and Political Psychology (1-4)
J. Christopher Cohrs, Johanna Ray Vollhardt
Original Research Reports
Differential Effects of Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation on Political Candidate Support: The Moderating Role of Message Framing (5-28)
Jarret T. Crawford, Jennifer L. Brady, Jane M. Pilanski, Heather Erny
The Needs of Victims: An Empirical Categorization Based on Interpersonal Conflicts (29-50)
Johanna Kirchhoff, Micha Strack, Ulrich Wagner
The Relationship Between Political Ideology and Attitudes Toward Tax
Compliance: The Case of Italian Taxpayers (51-73)
Edoardo Lozza, Barbara Kastlunger, Semira Tagliabue, Erich Kirchler
Bleeding-Heart Liberals and Hard-Hearted Conservatives: Subtle Political Dehumanization Through Differential Attributions of Human Nature and Human Uniqueness Traits (86-104)
Jarret T. Crawford, Sean A. Modri, Matt Motyl
Review of “The Oxford Handbook of Intergroup Conflict” (74-85)
Gert Sommer
Journal of Social and Political Psychology