We are seeking applicants for a Masters by Research in Behavioural Studies, in the School of Political and Social Inquiry (Social Science) at Monash University.
We are seeking applicants for a Masters by Research in Behavioural Studies, in the School of Political and Social Inquiry (Social Science) at Monash University. The successful candidate will be expected to start in March 2014 and will receive $10,000 in funding for the first year to cover living expenses, with the view that the candidate will work towards converting to a PhD after the first year. Applicants are expected to have a fourth year level honours (or equivalent) in psychology, sociology or other cognate discipline. The broad topic of the project will be on prejudice, social identity and well-being.
Strong research skills and/or willingness to learn new methodologies, as well as an interest in pursuing research in the broad areas listed, will constitute an advantage in the selection process.
Interested candidates should contact Dr RoseAnne Misajon () or Dr Ana-Maria Bliuc () by January 24 2014.