Research officer position: Centre for Health Research

University of Western Sydney, Centre for Health Research

Research Officer, Full or Part Time, 18 month contract

Sexual wellbeing and quality of life after prostate cancer for gay and bisexual men and their partners


University of Western Sydney, Centre for Health Research

Research Officer, Full or Part Time, 18 month contract


Sexual wellbeing and quality of life after prostate cancer for gay and bisexual men and their partners


The Centre for Health Research (CHR), a University Research Centre at UWS, has a specific focus on multidisciplinary research to tackle major health challenges for Western Sydney, and similar communities nationally and globally. As well as collecting original health and clinical outcome data, the Centre aims to make best use of existing health data collections and linked health datasets. It has unique expertise in conducting randomised controlled trials to assess self-management and preventive interventions and in qualitative research examining the construction and experience of health.


The Centre works in partnership with health services and policy agencies to conduct its research across four major themes: health policies and services; preventing chronic disease; mental health and wellbeing; and healthy environments. CHR is part of the School of Medicine and is located on the Campbelltown campus of the University.

The primary purpose of this position is to provide research support to the ‘Sexual wellbeing and quality of life after prostate cancer for gay and bisexual men and their partners’ project. This study aims to examine the psychological burden of changes to sexual wellbeing, sexual identity and intimate relationships in gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer and their male partners. The focus of previous research into sexuality and intimacy post cancer has been with heterosexual men, with gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer being described as an “invisible diversity”, or a “hidden population”. This has led to a plea for research on the impact of potentially important differences in sexuality, identity, and intimate relationships on gay and bisexual men’s experience of prostate cancer, which can be used to inform health education and health promotion, as well as lead to targeted psycho-social interventions. A team of researchers from the University of Western Sydney, the Australian & New Zealand Urological and Prostate Cancer Trials Group, ACON and La Trobe University is conducting this project, funded by the Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia.


The Research Officer is responsible for assisting with research development through: project management, independent research, gathering of research materials and data, data entry and analysis, and assistance in the preparation of reports and publications. The study is mixed methods in design, involving an on line survey and in-depth interviews.

The position is available on a full or part-time basis (hours to be negotiated with successful applicant), fixed term appointment for 18 months.


For further information please refer to the position description.  


Remuneration: Higher Education Worker, Level 6 Salary $67,729 to $72,623 p.a. (full time equivalent), (plus 17 or 9.25% Superannuation as eligible and Leave Loading). Salary of the appointee will be calculated on a pro rata basis.


Position Enquiries: Professor Jane Ussher, Professor of Women’s Health Psychology on 02 4620 3953 to discuss your application prior to submission or email 


Application through  


Applications Close: 8 December 2013



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