We are collecting data from psychologists all around the world to understand whether psychology researchers develop and use strategies to make research more participatory, what practices they may implement, and how this is decided upon. The survey, which does not take more than 10-15 minutes, includes some open-ended questions about your past experiences (if any) with participatory research practices at different points in the research process. This will include questions about the strategies you have/wish to use(d) and the participants you have/wish to engage(d) when practising participatory research.
We would appreciate it if you could participate and/or forward this study to potential psychologist participants. Here is the link to the survey: https://universityofsussex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eqxaEZYsBmJF0CW.
Thanks in advance!
The Research Team:
Ana Figueiredo (Universidad de O’Higgins),
Carolina Rocha (University of Dundee),
Ella Marie Sandbakken (Oslo New University College; University of Oslo),
Marlies de Groot (Tilburg University),
Özden Melis Uluğ (University of Sussex),
Yue Ting Woo (University of Sussex)