AASP and SASP have an agreement with our respective summer schools to reserve up to two places to each others’ students and ECRs.
Below is an announcement about the upcoming AASP summer school. The Asian Association of Social Psychology 2019 Summer School will take place on July 7-10, 2019 at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. The program, targeting postgraduate students and new PhDs (completed within the last 5 years) and will be run by Prof. Chi-Yue Chiu & Prof. Ying-Yi Hong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, is based on the solution-oriented model of social science research (Watts, 2017). Through this course, participants will learn how to choose and frame a research question for knowledge impact maximization, identify possible solutions, use mixed methods to choose the best solution, and explore the theoretical implications of the chosen solution. Finally, participants will learn how to communicate their discoveries effectively in presentations and publications.
Two SASP members will be hosted by AASP and their tuition fee (USD $ 300) will be waived. SASP will also contribute $800 for travel funds.
The deadline of application is February 28, 2019. Enquire with Emi Kashima if interested, and please fill in the following application form