An upcoming webinar presented by:
Professor Bruce A. Stevens
Charles Sturt University
Friday, 13th November 10-11am AEST
Schema Therapy (ST) provides a clinical personality theory for understanding personality disordered clients. There is a growing evidence base from randomised controlled trials for the effectiveness of this treatment approach. Jeff Young (2003) developed this therapy with a focus on schemas (traits), but international practice is now more on schema modes (states). This webinar will introduce ST as a treatment option for couples and more broadly relationships, with a special focus on conceptualising affairs and couple dynamics involved in clinical treatment.
About the presenter: Professor Bruce A. Stevens (PhD, Boston U, 1987) is a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist. He holds the Wicking Chair of Ageing and Practical Theology and is director of the Centre for Ageing and Pastoral Studies at Charles Sturt University/St Mark’s Canberra. Bruce has seen clients at Canberra Clinical and Forensic Psychology for over 25 years and was convener of the Clinical Master’s program at University of Canberra for five years with over 60 graduate students. He is one of the authors of Schema therapy with couples: A practitioner’s guide to healing relationships, with Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco (USA) and Eckhard Roediger (Germany) published by Wiley-Blackwell. He is an advanced trainer in ST for both couples and individuals.
This webinar attracts 1CPD Hour.
To register, please visit this link:
This webinar is organised by the Psychology of Relationships Interest Group (PORIG):