Seeking unpublished data for climate change meta-analysis

A team of researchers at the University of Queensland is conducting a meta-analysis on the psychological correlates of belief in climate change.

A team of researchers at the University of Queensland (Prof. Matthew Hornsey, Assoc. Prof. Kelly Fielding, Dr. Paul Bain, Ms. Emily Harris)  is conducting a meta-analysis on the psychological correlates of belief in climate change. They have completed their review of the published literature, and are now seeking to incorporate unpublished data that includes their key outcome variable: belief that climate change is occurring. They would be interested in including your unpublished data in the meta-analysis if you measured belief in climate change as well as one or more of the following:

•           pro-environmental behavior, 

•           pro-environmental intentions, 

•           pro-environmental attitudes (e.g., the New Ecological Paradigm), 

•           subjective knowledge of climate change, 

•           objective knowledge of climate change, 

•           experience of environmental cues (e.g. hot room), 

•           local experience of climate change, 

•           experience of extreme weather, 

•           membership of an activist group/’green’ identity, 

•           trust in science/scientists, 

•           perceived scientific consensus, 

•           support for mitigation, 

•           perceived efficacy, 

•           values, 


•           hierarchical-egalitarian, individual-communitarian, or free-market ideology

If you have data that fits the above criteria – or if you have any questions about inclusion – please email Emily Harris (). 

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