Job opportunity

Dear SASP members,


The Research School of Psychology at the ANU is now looking to hire a post-doctoral fellow for an 18 month time frame (Academic Level A, $64,386 – $ 81,672 + 17% superannuation).  Applications close 31st of January and enquires to Kate Reynolds (). 


The position will contribute to ongoing research at the interface between social psychology and policy domains in education in the areas of school climate, social identity processes and school outcomes (e.g., academic performance, engagement, bullying). More broadly the project is focused on the social identity perspective and advancing understanding of people’s group memberships and commitment to such groups in explaining their attitudes, affect and behaviour. The project is now progressing to a communication phase where the successful candidate will support the research team in data analysis, drafting of papers and policy-related reports, and presentations.


Social psychology has a long tradition at the ANU.  There are  several social psychology academics, post-docs, and post-graduate students.  

We have a strong track record of publication and obtaining grant funding, and have a fantastic, completely dedicated social psychology laboratory.


You can find out more about the job

at  Of course, if you are interested, please feel free to contact me for more information.


Please pass this on to others whom you think might be interested.




Kate Reynolds

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