John C. Turner Commemoration Colloquium will be held at University House, ANU, April 22-24th, 2013.
The main aim is to bring together John’s PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, main colleagues with whom he published, and those who have been influenced directly by his ideas and have contributed to widening their impact in and outside the field. A number of national and international scholars will be visiting ANU to recognise and celebrate the importance of John’s contribution and his ideas which now serve as his legacy, and to focus on carrying these ideas forward in new and impactful ways.
As part of these activities a Digital Archive has been established with plans to grow the written material and video recordings in the coming months as the new ANU Research School of Psychology web page progresses. At present a selection of early research proposals related to social identity and self-categorization theories, conference presentations and abstracts, hand-written notes on core topics of social psychology, and photographic material can be accessed via John Turner’s ANU former faculty staff page (
If you have material you think is relevant to the archive please contact Kate Reynolds (