
The Interplay Between Positive and Negative Intergroup Contact on Collective Action of Migrant People

Prati, F. (Oxford University, United Kingdom), Hewstone, M. (Oxford University, UK; University of Newcastle, Australia), Rubini, M. (Bologna University, Italy)

Social integration is one of the current major challenges in increasingly multi-cultural societies. Many European countries are currently facing a flow of migration at a level not previously witnessed. Against this background, surprisingly little research has examined the long-term effects of positive and negative intergroup contact experiences from the perspective of immigrants, that are often a target of discrimination. The present longitudinal study investigated how positive contact and negative contact with native people predict perceived discrimination and collective action intentions among immigrants in the Italian context. Evidence showed that negative contact with Italians predicted greater collective action in the long-term and this effect was mediated by perceived discrimination. This effect was moderated by self-efficacy that in turn was influenced by intergroup positive contact. Having positive contact with Italians increased immigrants’ perceived self-efficacy that in turn influenced the effect of negative contact on collective actions for social change.

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Overcoming Barriers to Intergroup Contact Symposium 2