Seeking Unpublished Studies on Workgroup and Organizational Identification

Nik Steffens, Alex Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Sebastian Schuh, and Rolf van Dick are currently conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between organizational / workgroup identification and stress and well-being in the workplace.



Nik Steffens, Alex Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Sebastian Schuh, and Rolf van Dick are currently conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between organizational / workgroup identification and stress and well-being in the workplace.

We have already identified and analyzed a number of published studies and we are now seeking unpublished work in this area. With this in mind, we would appreciate if you could share with us any published data not listed on common electronic databases (e.g., book chapters). We also seek to include unpublished papers or data (e.g., work in press or in progress) that include statistical details on this topic. Specifically, the paper should report statistics concerning the relationship (negative, non-existent, or positive) between identification at work (with either a workgroup, a department, or an organization) and at least one measure of well-being or stress. We include correlational, longitudinal, and experimental examinations of this relationship. Correlates or outcomes could be one of the following:


  • Self-reported well-being (e.g., psychological comfort, work engagement)
  • Self-reported stress (e.g., exhaustion, strain, burnout)
  • Physiological indicators of stress or well-being (e.g., physiological functioning, heart-rate variability, cortisol levels)


If you do have relevant work, we would be grateful if you could send the relevant information — e.g., a standard report of the method and findings (via published papers, references, unpublished documents, etc.) — to Nik Steffens () by 30 April 2014.


Your help with, and contribution to, this project would not only make this meta-analysis more comprehensive but potentially also enhance the visibility and impact of your work. In any case, we hope you can help. We apologize for any potential cross-posting of this call and we look forward to hearing from you.

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