SASP 2024 Honours Travel Award Applications Open

SASP is pleased to offer 2 x $500 awards to Honours students to assist with their travel costs to the SASP 2024 conference in Canberra. These awards are intended to provide financial assistance to students in their Honours year who wish to attend SASP conferences to present their Honours research.

Decisions regarding the distribution of the awards will be based upon answers provided to the questions on the attached application form and applicants’ accompanying CV. These decisions will be made by members of the SASP Travel Awards panel, and will be final.

Although we recognise the variable and multidimensional nature of fairness, we will, nevertheless, strive for fairness in our decisions in accord with our understanding of the values pursued by SASP. Among other things, we will consider the likely costs incurred through attendance, opportunities for alternative funding, and aspirations for postgraduate study.

To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Have paid membership in SASP (
  • Study in Australia or New Zealand
  • Submitted an abstract to present (individual paper, symposium paper, poster) their Honours thesis at the conference.

To apply for the SASP 2024 Honours Travel Award, you must submit as a single merged PDF document:

  • A completed Honours Travel Award Application Form
  • A copy of your Curriculum Vitae.
  • A statement from your Honours supervisor in support of your application and confirming your answer to the question regarding your access to other forms of financial aid to attend the SASP 2024 conference.

Please send all information no later than Friday 13th September – to Liz Summerell  [].

All applicants will be advised of the outcome in October 2024.