Dear SASP community,
We would like to invite you to the virtual SPSP pre-conference on Advancing LGBTIQ+ Research Across the Globe and share our call to support scholars from the Global South.
Advancing LGBTIQ+ Research Across the Globe.
When: Wednesday 7th of February.
Where: Online (PST).
A central goal of this pre-conference is to connect scholars from different countries, backgrounds, and career stages interested in LGBTIQ+ research. We aim to provide a welcoming atmosphere, be mindful of language and other barriers, and foster a collaborative and supportive climate beyond national borders. Please consider that some participants prefer to add pronouns to their names, while others might not use any pronouns or prefer to not add them. Because we are expecting participants from different continents and time zones, we aim to structure the pre-conference so that scholars can join for either the morning session, the afternoon session, or both sessions.
We would love to see many international scholars from Oceania and elsewhere here 😊.
Support scholars from the global south.
Scholars from the global south often lack the financial resources to attend conferences in person. Because we were not successful in raising funds to cover their costs, we are running a crowd-funding campaign. Given that several scholars conduct LGBTIQ+ research in countries where LGBTIQ+ people are still criminalized, we should support their important work and enable them to connect with the broader scientific community. Please support our fellow scholars from the global south (co-organizers of the pre-conference and speakers in our diversity session) by donating and sharing our call. Every donation –no matter how much– makes a difference!
Please share the call with your friends and colleagues.
Tabea Hässler

Pre-conference Organizers
Mik Bartels, University of Canberra, Australia,
Rafael Bastos, Universidade São Francisco, Brazil,
Diana Cherian, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India,
Mar Fournier Pereira, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica,
Tabea Hässler, University of Zurich, Switzerland,
Annalisa Myer, City University of New York, U.S.,
Yvonne Otubea Otchere, Psyccare, Ghana,