Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP): Award call

The Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP) is intended to foster students’ learning experience while generating data that can meaningfully contribute to the field of psychology and thus benefiting the students and faculty professionally.

The goal is to encourage students conducting research for course credit to focus on similar questions while still allowing them to address research questions that are personally interesting. The CREP is sponsored by Psi Chi and the Center for Open Science and we offer $200-500 CREP Research Awards to contributors that provide a valid sample on a first come, first serve basis (67 awards available).


As of right now, approximately, 20 contributors are working on projects. If you teach research methods or supervise groups of bachelor students who need to conduct studies of their own design, please consider sharing the CREP link with them. The nine studies were selected by examining their impact on the field and their feasibility for student replication. It is important to consider that the focus of our project is to teach students how to conduct research, specifically on “how to get it right” (i.e., not to check up on others).


If you do not teach these courses or supervise such groups, please pass this email onto your colleagues who are. Alternatively, consider replicating a study with students as an independent study project.

Please contact me if you have any questions.



Mark Brandt, Jon Grahe, Hans IJzerman

Mark Brandt               

 Department of Social Psychology

Tilburg University

+31 13 466 2154


Hans IJzerman

 Department of Social Psychology

Tilburg University

+31 13 466 2175


Jon E. Grahe, Ph.D.
Western VP for Psi Chi
Executive Editor for The Journal of Social Psychology
Pacific Lutheran University


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